Just Call Me Internet
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42 Hendon Lane
N3 1TT
081-349 0063 (London)
031-552 0344 (Edinburgh)
email internet@demon.net
Last updated 13th May 1994
The latest version of this document is available from
1. Where are the current PoPs?
2. How do demon choose where PoPs go?
3. I'd like to house a PoP. How do I qualify?
4. How do demon choose the PoP names?
5. How do I request a PoP near to me?
6. Doesn't XYZ cable company offer free or cheap calls?
7. Wouldn't 0345/0800/calling-collect be a good idea?
8. Can you get maps of low-cost routes?
1. Where are the current PoPs
Current PoPs: Number Lines
============= ============ =====
Edinburgh 031-552 8883 8
London 081-343 4848 80
Reading 0734 328989 8
Warrington 0925 411383 8
(Local to Manchester & Liverpool)
Sunderland 091-522 5005 8
(Local to Newcastle and Durham)
Leeds 0532 415890 16
Sheffield 0742 705565
Hull 0482 495580
Bradford 0274 755066
Details of the current PoPs, the number of lines at each and the
expected installation date of PoPs on order are held in
2. How do Demon choose where PoPs go
To date we have chosen cities or major towns where we already have a
good user base or we expect to get a good user base. PoPs provide
local call phone call access as well as nearer, and therefore,
cheaper connections for those customers requiring leased line
Often we will site a PoP due to demand for leased line connectivity.
In most cases, there will be someone requiring local connectivity
which can help subsidise the cost of the PoP as well as ensuring
good onsite support and security. See answer 3 for more details.
It seems unlikely that the local call charging structure will
significantly alter in the medium term and so we shall continue
with our project of PoPs. Even if the whole of the UK was
charged at a local rate, it will still be cheaper for leased lines
and so we don't consider that we are investing in a wasting resource.
Naturally we would like to bring local call charging to as many
Customers as possible and so will be actively progressing our
3. I'd like to house a PoP. How do I qualify
You need a secure environment where the equipment can be placed
on a clean power supply. Space of about 6 foot by 3 foot is adequate.
You need to be willing to pay for our normal 64K leased line service
but we will pay for the line installation and rental. You can have
Ethernet connectivity and so save the cost of a router. The equipment
should be sited so that there is reasonable access for extra dial-up and
leased lines.
4. How do demon choose the PoP names
Mostly the PoP names are based around something to do with Demons,
devils and Norse & Greek Mythology. It is common to have a theme for
your network nodes and this is ours!
5. How do I request a PoP near to me
Please *don't* mail internet@demon.net! Please post your request
and reasons :-) to demon.pops. This is a newsgroup that we monitor
but do not necessarily answer all queries in due to a lack of time.
This FAQ is designed to answer your questions.
6. Doesn't XYZ cable company offer free or cheap calls
Where we are able to connect up to a decent cable company offering
cheap calls we will do so. If the calls are too cheap or even free
this presents us with the problem of people loggin on and staying
connected for hours and hours. In the event of this happening we
would have no choice but to introduce a heavey usage surcharge. We
really don't want to do this, almost as much as you would like us
not to, but circumstance may one day force our hand.
7. Wouldn't 0345/0800/calling-collect be a good idea
Briefly no:
0345 - we pay a premium even if you are in a local call area
0800 - we pay for your phone calls
We would have to pass these charges on which defeats the object.
Additionally, leased line customers still prefer PoPs as this makes
their line rentals cheaper.
8. Can you get maps of low-cost routes
I assume so - more info required by somebody else here please.
I suggest you contact BT or Mercury